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Falling Upward by Richard Rohr

I am falling… In love with this book!  The subtitle says it all: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life  Anyone who has read the Bruce & Marie Hafen's book, Faith is not Blind , will resonate with this poignant book with the same message.  In the first half of our lives we learning and governed by rules.  We are part of a family, a group of friends, a culture.  And then, at some point we fall.  But just as the Fall of Adam and Eve was necessary for their growth and our progression, so is our fall necessary for that same purpose.  If we are to truly grow spiritually, we must go through a change of some sort.  We must "leave father and mother," take a journey through the wilderness and find our true selves wrapped up in God.  "Our Western dualistic minds do not process paradoxes very well.  Without a contemplative mind, we do not know how to hold creative tensions (23)."  Tension is not comfortable. Yet, we are taught that ther...

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