My Friend, Leo!!
Book of the Week!
Basically, his whole purpose is to teach others how to truly love. How to love one another. How to love your parents. How to love your spouse. How to love learning. How to love life. And he exemplifies it in his speeches, it's amazing. As you read you can just hear this passionate, Italian man telling you to get off your duff and start living your life.
As a glimpse of who this man is, I want to share what he calls his "Essentials:"
1. Right Knowledge, to supply you with the tools necessary for your voyage.
2. Wisdom, to assure you that you are using hte accumulated knowledge of hte past in a manner that will best serve the discovery of your presence, your "now."
3. Compassion, to help you accept others whose ways may be different from yours, with gentleness and understanding, as you move with them or thorugh them or around them on your own way.
4. Harmony, to be able to accept the naturla flow of life.
5. Creativity, to help you to realize and recognize new alternatives and unchartered paths along the way.
6. Strength, to stand up against fear and move forward in spite of uncertainty, without guarantee or payment.
7. Peace, to keep you centered.
8. Joy, to keep you songful, and laughing and dancing all along the way
9. Love, to be your continual guide towards the highest level of consciousness of which man is capable.
10. Unity, which brings us back to where we started - - the place where we are at one iwth ourselves and with all things.
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