Weekend of Weekends

Variety Show Dancers  (yes, I'm the gangsta')

Okay!  I wish I could just share with all of you the amazing-ness (yes, I'm making up that word) of the Women's Retreat I was able to attend a couple of weeks ago.  It was so good!  It's just amazing when you can put 25 ladies from all walks of life (young, old, married, single, divorced, widowed, with children, without children, etc...) into one space for 48 hours and watch them learn to accept and love one another.  It was a weekend of great awakening for me as I truly experience the love of the Savior there.

I came home full of gratitude to my Father in Heaven for placing in my path the people I needed to get me to this spot in my journey.  Deinse sponsered the 8th Annual women's retreat this year.  She truly has a gift and I was honored to be a guest speaker at this year's retreat.  I met Denise thorugh a mutual acquaintance.  She had no clue who I was when I approached her with my own message to share, and yet she took a leap of faith and gave me this opportunity.  There is so much more that went into this experience, I can't even put it into words.  I am just truly grateful to have been there. 

The theme this year was Choose to Become.  We had a hike with challenges to overcome.  We had Zumba and a very funny variety show!  I was able to provide the devotional on "Choosing to Become Spiritually Minded" and there was another speaker/workshop on "Choosing to Nourish."  As a finale we had a team-building activity which led to tears on my part as I recognized yet another weakness of mine.  :-) 

As I said though, the weekend really wasn't about the activities so much as it was about how the women came together in love and unity.  I look forward to seeing these and other beautiful women in the future because I think I have discovered where I need to be and what I need to be doing with my own desire to strengthen and uplift women of the Church and in my community. 


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